Boarding Kennel Manufacturer

Many families have to face the decision of what to do with their dog or cat when they go away for an extended holiday; the most popular choice is to take them to a boarding kennel in the area. By doing so, owners can rest assured that their pets are well looked after while they are away.

Boarding kennels require specialist accommodation for their animals, ensuring that pets are kept comfortable and safe. The kennels themselves also have to be durable and last for long periods of time to ensure that they don't need replacing often, reducing costs. Mitton Hall Kennel Systems has spent 25 years manufacturing and creating new boarding kennels for a wide variety of clients.

We keep the needs of the animal at the forefront of our minds and the needs of the boarding kennelsthemselves. That is why all of our boarding kennels are created with quality in mind and not cost. Depending on the needs of each of our clients, we create a wide variety of different boarding kennels and can design and create boarding kennels to suit your needs or refit old boarding kennels that may need replacing.

We also offer the convenience of a full fitting service for all our boarding kennels. Our boarding kennels have been perfected and are practically maintenance free due to the materials used, i.e. galvanized steel and polypropylene plastics; both extend the lifetime of the kennel and are safe for the animals as well.

If you are looking for a complete refit of your boarding kennels for your business or perhaps opening up your new boarding kennel company then contact us at Mitton Hall Kennel Systems today for our advice and we will quote for you!