Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Obedience & Protection Dog Training Contract & Dog Sales Contract (All Dogs)

When the sale of a trained dog is contemplated, the animal will be demonstrated to the prospective purchaser in order for the purchaser to satisfy themselves as to the level of competence and training of the dog and for the buyer to assess and satisfy him or herself as to the suitability of the dog for the purpose intended. The purchaser of a dog from K9 promises to take good care of the animal and to the best of their ability ensure that the animal remains fit and healthy with a happy mental state. Reasonable care will be taken that animals supplied will be in good health and not suffering from any degenerative or contagious disease or illness of any description either physical or mental genetic or not, or any other ailment or illness whatsoever.

The vendor is not a veterinary surgeon or canine health expert and no guarantee of the absence of any medical or mental condition alluded to above is either implied or given. No liability is accepted for any infection communicated to or injury or damage inflicted upon any other living entity.

It is the responsibility of the prospective purchaser after demonstration of the dog to ensure that he or she is satisfied that the dog is of satisfactory quality and fit for the purpose intended. It is strongly recommended that a suitable insurance policy is entered into with a view to insuring the dog in respect of illness or injury and the owner in respect of liability to third parties as a consequence of anything done or not done by the dog. It is agreed therefore that the purchaser having accepted the dog is responsible for any misfeasance of the dog and that legal responsibility for any consequence of any act or failure to act of the dog is the responsibility of the new owner of the dog after the completion of the contract, that is when the new owner takes either physical control or custody of the dog, consideration having being passed in the form of payment, part payment or a promise to pay.

Dogs are not accepted for return save where K9 Dog Training wish to accept this. If a new owner no longer wants the dog, K9 Dog Training will at their election attempt to assist the owner in finding a new purchaser for the dog. Any reasonable expenses incurred as a result of this service will be deducted from the price realised before the balance is passed to the initial purchaser of the dog. K9 will obtain the authorisation of the new owner before accepting any offer on their behalf and will also apprise the owner of how much money they could expect to realise after reasonable expenses of K9 Dog Training are deducted. Reasonable expenses include but are not limited to travel time and costs, kenneling, exercise, food and, where appropriate, re-training or training at the current K9 rate. The initial owner will only receive any monies due after completion of the sale of the dog and when therefore K9 are in receipt of funds.

Where K9 elect to re-purchase outright a previously supplied dog a reasonable reduction will be made to reflect administrative charges, travel, re-homing work, advertising, accommodation, and food until sale. The minimum deduction from the price initially paid by the purchaser shall be £150.00 exceptionally and at their sole discretion, K9 may waive this deduction. No guarantee regarding the future behavior, competence or continue suitability of the dog is given, a dog is an animal capable of independent thought and consequently any cruelty, teasing, bating, starvation, torture, lack of proper control, treatment, affection or discipline or any combination of the above can result in behavioral problems and failure to perform as expected or at all. No responsibility is accepted for any damage to property of the owner or any other person or legal entity caused by the dog, neither is any liability or responsibility accepted for injury caused to the owner, person or another animal by the dog in any way whatsoever.

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Phone - 01924 669 222

Mobile - 07904836184