a part of broadclyst

Traditional Pub in Exeter

We are central to much that happens in the local community, hosting several local society meetings, such as the Spanish group, scout leaders meetings, playgroup meetings and others. Other groups such as the local MG club also meet socially on a regular basis.

We have a thriving skittles league which plays most weeknights at the skittle alley, as well as a recently formed darts team.

Outside, 2 football teams play and train regularly on our large field. Though recently formed, these teams have already been promoted. We have been very happy to support them.

In addition, we have a further small football pitch available both for football parties and informal kickarounds with Dad!

We try to support local charities, and to this end we hold a fortnightly quiz which is well attended; the proceeds from the quiz are used to support local organisations and individuals in specific projects.