The race for live drone delivery is on…

But we are not expecting much to happen in the short term, we think it will be several years before fully integrated commercial drone delivery is possible. 

This is partly due to the ROI not being proven on the costs associated with drones, as well as the logistics around times between deliveries to include reloading back at base.  In fact Gartner predict that even in 2020 drones will only account for less than 1% of the commercial market.

So the familiar sight of our CRM Logistics vans and trucks will continue to operate in and out of warehouses, airports, seaports and residential UK addresses, which is just as well, because our drivers are very good at what they do.

Amazon however are super keen, they are working with the UK Government on a programme to allow hundreds of drones to fly safely around British skies, ultimately they would like to see small parcels arriving at homes within 30 minutes of ordering online.

One thing is clear, with almost 3 million drones being produced this year, our love of this technology is only growing, and as our new 60,000 sq ft warehouse is installed with 9m high racking, the team are planning a bit of drone assisted surveillance.