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Advantages of Hiring a Dumper

Working within construction can be expensive, especially since all manner of tools can be needed for one job. Companies are increasingly turning to plant hire companies in order to cut costs.

A dumper is invariably used for lifting and carrying bulk materials; these machines are usually open and their load skip is located in front of the driver. Dumpers are available in various sizes, so accessing smaller construction sites and tight spaces is easy.

You can think of and use a dumper as if it’s a large electric wheelbarrow. Great for transporting heavy materials, such as bricks, tiles, wood, and blocks of concrete, a dumper is quick, efficient and far less energy-draining than its manual alternative.

Hiring a dumper will also save you both time and money. Employing more people to get a job done faster costs more; why would you consider doing this when one piece of equipment can do the job of many people? An efficient way to remove unnecessary aggregates from a building site, a dumper is instrumental in keeping the area neat and clean.

If you hire a dumper instead of purchasing the same machine, all repairs and servicing requirements can be left to the hire company, saving you the cost and the hassle of doing it yourself. Even better, you can be sure that the one you need will be available at short notice. What’s more, hiring a dumper will give you access to high quality, reliable and yet affordable machines.

A dumper is a truly versatile machine. Where normal vehicles struggle to negotiate the churned up ground on a construction site and lack the necessary grip, dumper wheels are tracked which makes them ideal for use in rough terrain and a range of locations. Their wider wheelspan covers a larger surface area – making travelling across a site and climbing steep inclines much easier.

A construction company should always prioritise the safety of its employees. People are more likely to injure themselves when doing manual work and such ailments can include back strains and crushed extremities due to dropping heavy items.  Having a dumper within your collection is a great way to minimise accidents in the workplace as workers will no longer have to handle materials and heavy objects manually, making their working life easier whilst minimising costs.